I have read so many books. And yet, like most Autodidacts, I am never quite sure of what I have gained from them. There are days when I feel I have been able to grasp all there is to know in one single gaze, as if invisible branches suddenly spring out of no where, weaving together all the disparate strands of my reading. And then suddenly the meaning escapes, the essence evaporates and no matter how often I reread the same lines they seem to flee ever further with each subsequent reading and I see myself as some mad old fool who thinks her stomach is full because she's been reading the menu. . Muriel Barbery
About This Quote

The quote above is a definition of Autodidact . The word “Autodidact” has two definitions. It is both a noun, meaning one who is self-taught, and an adjective, meaning one who learns by themselves. This dual meaning makes it an apt description for anyone who has taught themselves in any way. Autodidact is not just a person who learns by asking the right questions in the right order, but also someone who has thought for themself, made their own way, and is not dependent on others to tell them what to do.

Source: The Elegance Of The Hedgehog

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  2. Oh, Sweetie. No one ever gets through their TBR list. For every book you finish, you'll add five more. That's just the way it works. - Leisa Rayven

  3. If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that. - Stephen King

  4. No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader. - Robert Frost

  5. Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not,... - William Faulkner

More Quotes By Muriel Barbery
  1. Any game where the goal is to build territory has to be beautiful. There may be phases of combat, but they are only means to an end, to allow your territory to survive. One of the most extraordinary aspects of the game of go is...

  2. To be poor, ugly and, moreover, intelligent condemns one in our society to a dark and disillusioned life...to beauty all is forgiven.

  3. I am going to die, but that is of no importance.

  4. We can be friends. We can be anything we want to be.

  5. So if there is something on the planet that is worth living for, I'd better not miss it, because once you're dead, it's too late for regrets, and if you die by mistake, that is really, really dumb.

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